
Reiki, pronounced ‘ray-key’, is a Japanese word meaning ‘Universal Life Energy’, an energy which is all around us and flows through all living things. Reiki evolved from the experience, ancient teachings, meditation and research of a Japanese Buddhist Dr Mikao Usui in the early twentieth century.

Reiki is relaxing, and can help with a range of problems, from general well-being to a specific injury or ailment. Reiki helps renew the energy flow, restoring balance and re-invigorating, making the body more capable of healing itself.

Reiki has no religious or faith attachments and it is not a substitute for conventional medicine.

Reiki can help with stress reduction and promotion of relaxation, it triggers the body’s natural healing abilities (immune system). Reiki may help to relieve pain from migraine, arthritis, sciatica.It may also help with symptoms of asthma, chronic fatigue, menopausal symptoms, and insomnia.

Reiki can aid the recovery from surgery or long-term illness.

Reiki may also be helpful in promoting the reduction of side-effects of medications or treatments.

Reiki may help with psychological and emotional problems.


Thai Foot Massage

Thai Foot Massage is an alternative medicine practiced in Thailand that is very similar in principle to Reflexology. Similarly Thai Foot Massage is based on the belief that there are zones and reflex areas in the feet which correspond to all glands, organs, senses and systems of the body. It has elements of Shiatsu, Reflexology, and Chinese massage incorporated into the treatment and includes the use of a traditional Thai foot massage stick to work the feet.

Thai foot massage dates back more than two thousand years, originating in China, and is very popular all over Thailand today… Relaxing and revitalising for tired feet, improving circulation and lymph movement in the feet and lower legs.


Hot Stone Massage

Is a variation of massage therapy using hot stones to treat a number of health conditions, it is commonly used to treat muscular problems and has the added benefit of being deeply relaxing. Hot or cold stones are placed on the body and are also used in the massage.

Studies have shown the effectiveness of massage therapy for back pain.

Headache also responds to massage therapy. Massage therapy can reduce the number of migraines a person has and may also improve sleep.

Massage can promote relaxation. It may help reduce pain, swelling, fatigue, nausea, or depression and improve the function of the immune system.

A review of more than 12 studies shows that massage helps relieve depression and anxiety. Massage has been shown to lower levels of cortisol by up to 50%. And massage increased levels of neurotransmitters that help reduce depression.



A natural healing art based on the principle that there are reflexes on the feet and hands that reflect the organs, glands and systems of the body within corresponding zones. Using pressure techniques on primarily the feet, reflexology relieves tension, improves circulation and helps promote the natural function of the body. A treat for the feet with the added benefits of holistic well being!

Reflexology can help to restore balance and initiate the body’s own healing process. It can be used to relieve stress and anxiety, is useful in treating back pain, joint pain, migraine and headaches, poor digestion and IBS, respiratory problems such as Asthma. It can also be beneficial in the menopause and can also be helpful in the relieving of period pains and hormonal imbalances.

Reflexology may help to relieve the pain of and Multiple Sclerosis   



Originating in Ancient China, Acupuncture involves using thin, solid needles inserted into acupuncture points on the skin. The introduction of these needles can correct imbalances in the flow of qi through the meridians or channels. The treatment principal in Chinese acupuncture is to restore equilibrium and balance to the body.

The belief that mental and physical illness are caused by imbalances within the body, when the qi or vital energy is unable to flow throughout the body, the meridians become blocked or obstructed, this may be due to injury, emotional or physical stress, poor diet or lifestyle.

The focus of the treatment is to correct the underlying cause, this is determined in the consultation using a variety of techniques such as observing the tongue and pulses.


Indian Head Massage (Ayurvedic Healing System)

The head, neck and face are massaged with the purpose of stimulating the circulation and clearing blocked energy channels. It was introduced to the west by Narendra Mehta in the 70’s.

Indian Head Massage is based on the ancient Ayurvedic Healing System passed down from generation to generation and has been practised in India for over 1000 years. Originally it was a massage of the head and hair folicles, although over time it has developed to incorporate massage of the face, scalp, neck, upper back, shoulders and upper arms.

Indian Head Massage can provide relief of certain physical ailments and promotes relaxation, concentration and energy.

This massage is performed with the client fully clothed and seated.
Indian Head Massage may prove beneficial in relieving the built up tension in the neck and upper back which can often be the cause of headaches. Improvement of the local circulation. May be helpful in relieving muscular tension of the mandibular joint and symptoms of sinusitis, promotes a healthy scalp and hair, and helps induce relaxation and a feeling of well-being.
Relaxation of muscles.
Fibrous adhesions (knots and nodules) can be broken down.
Loosening of the scalp.
Relaxation of the whole body.
Improved circulation of blood and increased oxygen uptake.
Stimulation and improvement of the circulation of the lymphatic system.
Aids the relief of eyestrain and tension headaches.
Improved sleep and relief of insomnia.



Aromatherapy is the use of volatile plant oils known as essential oils, for the treatment or prevention of disease. It is a therapy designed to treat the whole person and not just the symptom or disease by assisting the body’s natural ability to balance, regulate, heal and maintain itself.

Essential oils consist of tiny molecules that are readily absorbed through the skin, and through inhalation. The therapeutic components then enter the bloodstream and are carried around the body where they can deliver their beneficial healing attributes.

Inhaling essential oils is believed to activate the olfactory system in the nasal cavity, which passes messages and impulses to limbic system, the area of the brain responsible for emotions and memory.

Essential oils have historically been used to relieve the symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety. Some essential oils have antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties to name a few of their benefits
Essential oils can be used in a number of different ways, most commonly in massage. They can also be used in the bath or by inhalation.


Ear Candles

The use of ear candles to treat ear problems has been used for centuries and have been used by Egyptian, Roman, Indian and Greek civilisations who were thought to be the first to use the technique.

Ear candles are long, hollow candles which are made of cotton and dipped in beeswax, these are placed in the ear canal and lit, creating a vacuum effect which gently draws out any wax and debris that may be lodged in the ear canal. The clearing of the ear canal helps to clear the inner ear and sinuses and regulates ear pressure. Ear candling is thought to induce relaxation.

The ear candles treatment is complemented with a facial massage which gently aids the drainage of sinuses and enhances the relaxation benefits of the treatment.
